Kristy Clare

Join us on Thursday, November 21st, at 8:30 AM at Grata Diner in Carr Mill Mall, Carrboro, for an enlightening session with Kristy Clare, an Advanced BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) Practitioner. Kristy will delve into:
- What is BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®)?
- How BWRT® aligns with modern neuroscience as a cutting-edge psychotherapy.
- The natural power of BWRT® to dramatically and rapidly transform your life.
- Ways nearly anyone can benefit from the gift of BWRT®.
Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how BWRT® can make a positive impact on your life.
📅 Date: Thursday, November 21st 🕰️ Time: 8:30 AM 📍 Location: Grata Diner, Carr Mill Mall, Carrboro
#ChapelHillWomenInNetworking #BWRTGuide #KristyClare #GrataDiner #CarrMillMall #CarrboroEvents #WomenInNetworking #Psychotherapy #Neuroscience #LifeTransformation
Read more about Kristy Clare.