Google My Business

Trish Bass
Chairperson: Trish Bass, E-mail:
Trish is here to educate the members about their Google listings, starting with the free listing Google gives every business, the Google My Business Page (GMB). This is extremely important to support referral business because this is what referrals will see when they "Google" your business name if you have set one up. This page is also where your Google Reviews are!

IT Coordinator

Tara Henderson
Chairperson: Tara Henderson, E-mail:
Tara publishes the periodic newsletter from the Executive Board. She also is an interface with the members and the Leadership Teams on the website including handling training webinars for the members.  

Social Media

Amber Caldwell
Chairperson: Amber Caldwell, E-mail:
I am Amber Caldwell, your Social Media Committee Chairperson. I am excited to have the opportunity to help our WIN Chapters utilize their WIN social media platforms. These platforms can provide added value for your business, your members business and the growth of your chapter! Working together we can develop and implement your social media strategy and create and publish engaging, relevant social media content.