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9 Members in Chapter Wake Forest and Business Grouping Advertising, Marketing and Media

Angela Jamison
Communicopia Marketing Services, Inc.


Angela Jamison

Communicopia Marketing Services, Inc.
(919) 523-5991 Work
(919) 523-5991 Mobile

Business Email angela@communicopiaPR.com
WIN Email angela@communicopiapr.com

-Public relations, content marketing & crisis communications agency in downtown Wake Forest
-Helping clients manage their messages(website, social media, news releases, media relations) and differentiate themselves from competition.
-A journalist by training, Angela founded Communicopia in 1998.  (more…)
Ataraxis Travel
Tara Bogle


Tara Bogle

Ataraxis Travel
(984) 235-0133 Work
(517) 388-3334 Mobile
Travel Advisor

Email tara@ataraxistravel.com

* All-Inclusive Travel
* Theme park Travel
* Cruises
* Group & Wedding Travel
* Travel for those with Special Needs and Allergies
* Attention to detail, one-on-one attention and planning
* Great Deals, Tips & Tricks to make travel free of stress and anxiety (Ataraxis)  (more…)
Elena Davis


Elena Davis

(919) 604-7376 Work

Business Email info@galanova.com
WIN Email elena@galanova.com

Graphic design that represents your business well does more than use pretty pictures and eye-catching colors: it creates your business’s image, supports your claims and makes you stand out from competition. Call Galanova for all of your print, web, graphic and branding design needs.  View as Page
Faye Wilson Books
Faye Peacock Wilson


Faye Peacock Wilson

Faye Wilson Books
(252) 739-5725 Work

Email contact@fayepeacockwilson.com

Author with expertise in multiple genres including adventure, fantasy, mystery and enchanting children’s books.  View as Page
Simone Sobral
Victory Trophies and Gifts


Simone Sobral

Victory Trophies and Gifts
(919) 453-1692 Work
(919) 453-1692 Mobile

Email simone@victorytrophiesandgifts.com

Trophies, Plaques, Corporate Gifts and Awards, Name Badges, Business Cards, Sculptures, Promotional Items, Wood, Glass, Crystal, Gifts, etc.  (more…)
Simone Sobral
Victory Trophies and Gifts


Simone Sobral

Victory Trophies and Gifts
(919) 453-1692 Work
(919) 453-1692 Mobile

Email simone@victorytrophiesandgifts.com

Trophies, Plaques, Corporate Gifts and Awards, Name Badges, Business Cards, Sculptures, Promotional Items, Wood, Glass, Crystal, Gifts, etc.  (more…)
Simone Sobral
Victory Trophies and Gifts


Simone Sobral

Victory Trophies and Gifts
(919) 453-1692 Work
(919) 453-1692 Mobile

Email simone@victorytrophiesandgifts.com

Trophies, Plaques, Corporate Gifts and Awards, Name Badges, Business Cards, Sculptures, Promotional Items, Wood, Glass, Crystal, Gifts, etc.  (more…)
Susan Michaels
The Kitchen Store

Susan Michaels
(919) 675-6478 Work

Email kitchenstorenc@gmail.com

The Kitchen Store sells gadgets and has social cooking classes.  View as Page
Tara Lee Consulting
Tara Henderson


Tara Henderson

Tara Lee Consulting
(516) 270-7414 Mobile

Email tara@taraleeconsulting.com

Tara Lee Consulting is your Virtual Assistant to help save you time so you can put more energy into your business. I take on the nitty gritty tasks that you may not have time for such as social media updates, typing, administrative, data entry, etc. so you can concentrate on YOUR clients.  (more…)