Peggy Young

Please join us via zoom on August 11th from 8:30 to 9:30 to hear from Peggy Young when she delivers her fabulous ten minute presentation to learn more about – “What is all the Hype About Retinol?”
Peggy has been guiding women to look and feel their best for 41 years, teaching skin care and color application with Mary Kay products.
Peggy’s greatest joy is helping a woman discover her inner beauty and confidence through the products she uses or the business skills she acquires as a Mary Kay Consultant.
Peggy has lead her national organization of women to top sales honors for 35 years, earning 15 Pink Cadillacs along the way.
She has relocated her business 13 times with her Air Force husband and 3 children.
Despite COVID adaptations and health challenges, Peggy’s Power House women set a new Team record, selling over $550,000 this year.

Read more about Peggy Young.