Norwex: Sheryl Fauceglia
Sheryl Fauceglia
Sheryl Fauceglia
By changing our mindset about the way we clean, we can make a powerful and positive difference in our homes and our environment. Norwex products are designed to help reduce chemicals in the home and reduce waste in our environment.
*healthy alternative
*time & money saving
*healthy alternative
*time & money saving
Concern is growing and evidence is showing the harm chemicals can have on our health. Many of these hazards are in our very own homes. The mission of Norwex is to improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our home and environment. There are some simple steps we can take that will make a big difference. Through individual consultations and group settings, Sheryl can walk you through these steps to help change your home into a Healthy and Safe Haven.
Chapter: Wake Forest; Category: Cleaning Supplies