Laurece West

May 6: Visiting Laurece West’s website, one will find many testimonials from individuals providing the details about how Laurece has helped them with their businesses. The page tab is aptly named ‘Praise’ because the testimonials are Pure Praise for the work that Laurece has done. Let’s read one! “I am so glad I met and worked with Laurece early in my journey as an entrepreneur! It was one of the wisest investments I could have made in myself and my business. Our coaching sessions helped me better understand and communicate my value as a service provider so that I felt empowered to charge higher rates and increase my income. Practicing the movement and voice exercises she shared significantly improved my confidence and networking skills, leading to meaningful relationship building for my business. I highly recommend Laurece’s Easily Creative strategy consulting for your business!” Laurece is presenting May 6 to share her insights! Share the knowledge: Bring a friend to hear this successful business coach!
Read more about Laurece West.