Jean McCullough

Join Us for a Presentation from our Member:
Jean McCullough — Owner of Better 4 Your Body
Jean started Better 4 Your Body in April 2016. She was looking for ways to make improvements to her health & wanted to help others do the same.
Here, she represents Ruby Ribbon! Learn her secret to look good and feel good by saying goodbye to back pains & tight, uncomfortable undergarments. She will go over all the different products and how they give you the curves you want without the underwires and strap indents!!!
You are invited to a WIN Cary-Preston Chapter “LIVE” or VIRTUAL meeting.
Date / Time: Tuesday, Sept. 14th, 2021 9:00 AM — LIVE MEETING AT MELLOW MUSHROOM !!!! OR TUNE IN VIRTUALLY – YOUR CHOICE !
Register in advance for this meeting:
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Read more about Jean McCullough.