Holly Menard

About Holly Menard:
Four years after graduating from nursing school, Holly moved from New England
to Raleigh. Her first job was a chemo nurse on a cancer research unit at Duke
where she witnessed too many deaths where patients received every treatment
medically possible and they died anyway, in the hospital, sometimes without
their family present. It was difficult for everyone on the healthcare team yet
rewarding as we became family.
Then Holly got married, they started a family, and a home-based electronics
business. Before she knew it several years had passed and she was longing to
provide holistic services to people. Holly became a licensed massage therapist
and, when it was medically allowed, she started specializing in Oncology
massage. In the meantime she experienced deaths involving her family, friends
and clients. Holly’s son died six years ago at 33 years old unexpectedly after
being hit by a car. There was no time to plan and prepare. In her experience,
many were not good deaths, due in part to complicated family relationships and
being unprepared.
It was December of 2019 when Holly learned about End of Life Doulas and
jumped at the opportunity to receive on-line training. March of 2020 she
became professionally trained as a certified End of Life Doula. From that point
on, Holly has been more than clear that she has found her calling.
Read more about Holly Menard.