Nina Daye

Many grandparents and parents would like to spend more quality time with the young people in their lives. Most people don’t have the expertise or time to think of activities that help their kids explore the world and develop a sense of wonder and curiosity. Each 2 DayesScienceTM unit has activities using easily available materials and videos to guide the exploration of various scientific topics. The science concepts involved are explained in the unit videos. These materials enable grandparents and parents to provide fun and interesting activities for their loved ones, that they too can enjoy.
Physicist Nina Daye is creating exciting, interactive science units that allow children to explore the physical environment. Performing activities, designing experiments and using their creativity these young people see the wonder in the natural world and begin to understand how things work. A small sample of topics includes: liquids; light; color; sound, friction; size, scale, stability; and the physics of daily objects. Our company is locating beta testers–families with children or grandchildren who are 7-11 years old. Contact Nina for more information.
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Read more about Nina Daye.