★Welcome to the Charlotte – Ballantyne Chapter of WIN!★
Are you looking for a group of sharp, savvy professional women to link arms and support each other in business? You’ve found us at Women in Networking-Ballantyne Chapter!
Intentionally working together to share best business practices, build partnerships, and sharpen one another professionally. In turn, this generates a high level referrals to our businesses.
- Our weekly meetings include leadership updates, member introductions, and a 10-minute presentation by featured speakers/members, along with other referral exchanges, business building and professional development opportunities. We are an intentional, warm, fun, and collaborative group of hardworking women.
- Visitors are always welcome!

We gathered at First Watch – Waverly to celebrate our 2023 successes and collect donations for Toys for Tots!
Here’s what you need to know for your visit to WIN:
- Date/time: We meet every Thursday from 9:15am-10:15am at Juniper Grill in Ballantyne, with exception to Zoom on the last Thursday of each month.
- Visitors are always welcome! Please contact our Membership Chair to RSVP! Bring business cards, samples, etc. and plan to share a 30-second introduction of your business!
- If your business category is open, you may visit our chapter up to 3 times before deciding whether you’d like to join. The filled and open categories are found by clicking JOIN on the navigation bar at the top of this page.
- Other questions? Please contact our Membership Chair, and she’ll gladly find the answers. We look forward to meeting you!
2024 Leadership Team:

2024 Leadership Team
Leslie Boyd, President
Marcia Folnsbee, Vice President
Debra Myhr, Referral Coordinator
Erin Sweitzer, Membership Coordinator