If a member needs to take a leave of absence, the member must fill out the Request for Leave of Absence form. It is located in the Forms section under the Admin tab. The Membership Coordinator will be emailed a copy of the Request for Leave of Absence and will discuss the request with the Membership Team to determine if the leave can be granted. A member has to be current with her dues in order to be considered for a regular or a medical leave of absence. A member cannot request either type of Leave of Absence if she is at the maximum number of absences allowed.

If a member requests a medical leave of absence for her own medical condition or that of an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent), that member’s category will remain available to that member for three (3) months.

A regular leave of absence will be available to the member for a period up to two (2) months. The member’s website profile will be removed from her chapter’s Members section. If an application for that seat is received by the Leadership Team, the Membership Coordinator will notify the existing member of the application and give the member the first right of refusal. The member can, at any time, send a substitute to the meetings to hold her seat.


©Women in Networking, Inc. | Revised 12/9/21