Monica J Young

Monica Young is the Get Stuff Done Coach. She helps solo-preneurs and small business owners take all the stuff that’s spinning around in their heads, bring it all in, sort it out, and create a strategic plan for moving forward with maximum productivity and better work life/balance.
During this presentation Monica will share her Top 7 Tips to Get Stuff Done, So You Can Have Some Fun!
Service providers such as photographers, graphic designers, and fitness/wellness professionals will especially benefit, and all visitors are welcome!
Why did you choose your profession?
I found that most service providers / entrepreneurs get into their business because they are passionate about something and want to share that gift to help others.
A lot of times their business grows quickly because they are really good at that specific something, but they aren’t really taught how to run a business.
Pretty soon their business is doing great but they are wearing 100 hats and juggling just as many plates and end up with too much to do and not enough time. They do a lot of scrambling and trying to figure things out, but they don’t know who to talk to or where to start.
That’s where I come in. With over 25 years experience as a business owner, coach, guide, and mentor, I provide the guidance and support they need to sort things out and create a strategy to move forward with better productivity and more work/life balance.
What makes you unique/different from your competition?
There are two things that I do differently from my competition:
- I don’t have a one-size-fits-all program. Most coaches try to teach their one pattern, system or general way of doing things. While I do share some resources, guides, checklists, etc., my goal is to help each business owner find their own best way to do things.
- In addition to our weekly coaching calls, I check in with my clients daily to answer any questions, make sure they are on track, and provide whatever support our accountability they need on each specific day.
We hope you’ll join us on January 10th!
Read more about Monica J Young.